How to fix a laptop keyboard without any tools " using on screen keyboard"

Hello guys, welcome to T-tech Tutorial Tips, and in today tutorial we will be taking a look at "how you can fix a laptop or desktop keyboard without any tools using onscreen keyboard Technic". Whenever your laptop keyboard is not working anymore or one or two keyboard has stop working you can make use of this onscreen keyboard to get rid of it. So there are some several steps that we will be taking a look at in this tutorial tips in which you need to follow in the tutorial. And now i will be expressing to you in this tutorial tips topic. You may be thinking that i my going to perform a magic or what. The onscreen keyboard is an old technic that come's with all Microsoft windows software packages, and also if you are using any Microsoft window you can make use of this onscreen Technic. And it's not complicated to make use of it on your laptop or desktop. So I noticed that many people computer's are having keyboard issues. And then you may not have enough money to get a new keyboard for your laptop or desktop. So don't panic, you've come to the exact right place where you will get the solution to your laptop or desktop keyboard problems. Now before we move into the steps, there are somethings you need to know about this onscreen keyboard.

1. You will be using your laptop or desktop mouse to click the letter you want to type

2. You spoil laptop keyboard will not be repaired. You will be making use of screen keyboard.

So i think you have understand does things you need to know about onscreen keyboard. So let move on into the tutorial tips now.

Step 1: When you laptop or desktop is turned on, now we are good to go into the steps, to start press the window button or navigate on the start bar. Then when you have navigate on the start menu. Type in "on-screen keyboard", then it will bring out a system setting as the search result, after that press the enter key on the keyboard or click to navigate on the search result.

Step 2: When you have press the enter key or navigate on the on-screen keyboard with the use of your mouse, it will bring out windows setting on "EASE OF ACCESS" now on the ease of access settings there are just 7 listed options at the left hand side, don't click on anything over there at the left. We need to work on the right side.

Step 3: At the the right hand side there as many options there also like ("on screen keyboard, sticky keys, Toggle keys and many more") now you are done with the on screen technic. Just click on the off button below the "On-screen keyboard". Suddenly you will see your computer mouse loading, then when it done loading you will see a keyboard that come's up on your computer screen. Now you are done. You can make use of this step giving to you in this tutorial tips to make use of on screen keyboard on any Microsoft windows software.

I believe this tutorial has help you to resolve your keyboard issue. So Subscribe to my blog to get notified whenever this blog has any update. So thanks for reading. 

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