How to transfer file from Smartphone Xender to Web browser Pc.

Hello world, welcome to T-tech Tutorial Tips. Where we empowered knowledge of Technologies into World. Nowadays, technology makes almost everything easier for us to do. And most off 100% people in the world 99% are enjoying technology. The one 1% are people who are off old age like GrandGrama. Most things are now easier and faster. Now i want you guys to testify to this that why I'm writing an article on what i just detect. Phone To Pc Transfer through Xender app on Phone and Web Browser on PC. I know most people will be amazed that it's possible to transfer file, music, video and manymore from Xender to pc without using any root like "Bluestack". Just making use of pc web browser like (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Uc browser & Operamini) but don't be amazed it something we called "Technology", I know many people believe is that before you can transfer a file from phone to PC you need a USB (UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS) or Bluetooth device to connect your phone to the pc. I think that is stressfull expecially for bluetooth most times. Xender is one of the most popular easiest way of transfer files, from one IOS or Android device to another. But now Xender has make it easier for every Xender user. So now let move on into the tutorial tips now.

It works the same way if you're using IOS device, Android devices, Windows Devices. Make use of same steps.

·      Firstly, Turn on your PC wirleless, Make sure your pc wireless is turned on.

·     Now bring our your smartphone is either IOS, Android, Windows Make sure Xender is Installed on any of this specified devices. Now Run "Xender" on your smartphone and click connect to "PC"

·      Now, when your xender has been open on your phone click on the receive button at the right side.        Then the Xender will start to be searching for Devices. So there is a button beside the search                circle. “Connect to pc” then when you click on the connect to pc button, it will pop-up a new              page.  Now we’re almost done. So the hotspot button you clicked on will create an hotspot then the      page that pop-up over there is a link below it.

·   Now Open any of these specified Web Browser on your PC (Personal Computer) e.g. (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Uc Browser & Operamini) Now you've to enter the link that pop-up on the new page into your pc web browser . Then after you entered the link on your smartphone into the web browser, there will be a notification that will ask you that “Permission to Accept or Decline” you’ve to click on the Accept button then now you are qualified to send and receive from your Smartphone to PC and PC to Smartphone. 


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