Convert a jpeg image to png format quick and easy

Hello, welcome to T-tech Tutorial Tips and in today's topic, I am going to explain to you on how you can convert a jpeg image to png format using paint. Firstly i will have to explain what jpeg means as Word Web dictionary Jpeg is a format for compressed color images, can achieve high compression but with some loss in quality; much used on the Internet. And also you can also define Jpeg as a standard algorithm for compression.
To my own understanding i know paint as paintbrush, and also paint brush allows users to use draw, paint and editing basic image features without having to use advanced. And now to cut the story short let me go to the topic straight on "how to convert a jpeg image to png format"
Firstly let me let you know about this you don't need to be looking for paint on any computer or to download it. Paint always come's with any microsoft windows installed on your computer.

Step 1: When your pc, is on bring out the image you want to convert to your computer desktop, then when you have bring it to the desktop. It not compulsory for you to bring the image to the desktop, but why are said that is because if you bring it to the desktop it will be easily for you to convert the image.

Step 2: When you have bring it to your computer desktop click on the image, after click on the image right click on the image then your computer will bring out some listed options then, in the listed option, click on open with then it will bring out a small listed option again beside the open with. after that click on paint, then the listed option will suddenly dissappear, then paint will come up on your computer screen. Then now you are almost done.

Step3: You can add any effect to the image, when the image has appear, like brush tools, shapes and many more, any also you can make use of paint to reduce the image of properties. Because you may want to apply for an official job then they say on the web page that the image size must be at least 20kb then you don't know how to reduce the image property, so don't panic, T-tech has the solution to that click here to check it out. Ok let go back to the topic, then at the top of the paint windows software you will see a blue "File"  button,  then it will bring out some listed button at the right side.

then after the ms paint is bringing out the listed option, then on the listed options you will see "Save as" don't click on the save as right away, just move the mouse on top of the save as, then when you have move the mouse on top of the save as button it's will bring out some listed format as the right side then choose any format you want to save the picuture as, then save the job. Now you are done with the process of changing jpeg to png. 

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